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Every product has a life cycle – so it is important that we maximise the use of all materials we take from the planet – That means reusing and recycling as well as sharing resources rather than owning them.

The circular economy saves us money and saves on carbon emissions

Transport Sharing

If you don’t need access to a car or a bike everyday, why own one?

Car Share Club

Tool Library

Garden Tools available for free loan to community groups with their own insurance

Upcycling Projects

Creating Usefulness or beauty from materials heading for landfill

Sharing is Caring


Upcycling Workshops for all ages


Fix and Donate Bike Sessions


Tool Sharing and repair


Free Bike Hires


E bike Hires

Electric Community Car Club

North Lanarkshire’s first electric community car share club – a car when you need it for just £5 per month subscription

Share Time with our volunteer drivers scheme

Poor public transport has a huge impact on health inequality in the Northern Corridor – could you volunteer some time to help get people to essential health or wellbeing services?

Community Groups

Sharing isn’t just about a few streets around us – the more we share, whether that’s skills, knowledge, experience or resources the better we can help our communities – so please get in touch to join our community led action network

What clients say

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— John Doe

— John Doe